Thwacks of rackets and balls and shouts of enthusiasm (with a few groans sprinkled in) emanate from the Kandiyohi County Area YMCA gym every Thursday at noon as 16 co-workers from Jennie-O get together and play pickleball. Jennie-O has always been a proponent of the Y, so with fitness in mind and the desire to find a way for people to collaborate outside of the office, Angie, the head of HR for Jennie-O, approached the Y about a weekly Jennie-O pickleball hour. Sixteen people at Jennie-O signed up right away and more inquiries are coming Angie's way. Since some of the players are "newbies," Marquis from the Y fitness staff gave a pickleball lesson on the first day and came back the next week to answer questions and offer advice while the eight teams played on four courts.
So why does Jennie-O Y?
“For teamwork, fitness, and fun!”